Thursday, November 29, 2012


Fashion is defined as a sense of style that changed form every new season. Personally, I believe fashionistas are people who try hard to cooler than someone else by wearing the same clothes. Fashion repeats itself about 2-3 times throughout a couple of years. Ex: Colored Skinny Jeans, popular in 2009 & became popular again in 2012. Although deep down inside I would love to become a fashion designer, being in fashion is not what matters to me. Being unique isn't by following everything that is posted in TeenVogue or Seventeen Magazine. I believe unique is by having your own sense of style. And as my false hope in becoming a fashion designer, I would want to impact the trends followed worldwide greatly. Not by bringing back the 80's trend, but by creating a new trend that I could call my own. Not following the latest trends of fur coats, purple lipstick, or leather pants, but by being about my shit. Don't get me wrong, you can wear that purple lipstick, just make sure you are wearing it not to fit in but to express who you are. Be your own person, and letting your clothes, hair, and everything describe every aspect of you!

A few things that I want to do to switch up my style

Go bald!

Lipstick to create a bold statement!

Overall classy look!

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